Students, Educators and Inspiration

As an educator I aspire to inspire, influence and encourage students, however, today I was inspired, empowered and encouraged. I watched one my students earn, accept and embody the role as a Valedictorian. This student has become a member of the family, a resource to my curriculum and a influence on my teaching practices. I knew becoming an educator would be rewarding however, tonight it was so rewarding I believe it is my obligation to share this moment. I am sharing my experience to express the great value of this moment and how memorable the last three years of teaching has been especially to new teachers who do not see a light at the end of the tunnel. Although as an educator there are moments of grief, anger and great disappointment. There are also moments of happiness, euphoria and great delight. Tonight was a night where cheerfulness prevailed. I want parents, teachers and students to be mindful of obstacles but to hone in on the positives which allows our students to excel, grow and become members of society who we are proud of. Setting high standards, demanding excellence and encouraging all students who stand before us will, I believe leave us inspired, encouraged and empowered. I leave my followers, educators, students and all readers with the quote “To Whom Much Is Given, Much Will Be Required” which I believe embodies our roles as educators and responsibilities as students.
